Wednesday 26 December 2012

Where to start

Throughout this project I'm also going to explore some Agile concepts, hence I have a product backlog and will soon have acceptance criteria. To start I'm going to take a leaf out of the XP book and write a test, but first I need to elaborate my story. Story 1 was:

"As a new user to the site I want to be able to create a profile so that I can return to the site and see my information from previous visits"

so here's the acceptance criteria written in given, when, then form

  1. Given the registered username of has not already been registered When a user tries to register with it, they should receive a confirmation email
  2. Given the username of has already been registered the user attempting to register that user should be notified that account already exists.
  3. hmm, i'll think of more later...

TicTacToe Tournament Backlog

  1. As a new user to the site I want to be able to create a profile so that I can return to the site and see my information from previous visits
  2. As a logged in user of the site I want to play a game of tic tac toe against another logged in user of the site so that I can improve my rank
  3. As a logged in user of the site I want to see my rank in the community so I can brag to my mates.
Above is my initial attempt at a product backlog for the tic tac toe tournament website (i'm rapidly going to need a more concise name for this), number 2 feels more like an epic but we'll see, my first aim is to expand out number 1 with acceptance criteria. Before I expand out the acceptance criteria I want to clarify what I'm trying to get out of the this project:

  • To produce a site using MVC 4 and JQuery
  • To explore the latest functionality in ORM technologies.
  • To produce a site using ATDD
  • To play with HTML 5

  • Not to make millions by launching a online gaming site even if it has 1 game.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Christmas project

Well the holiday season is here which means I have a half decent amount of free time, I going to do a mini project to learn and solidify some skills so i'm attempting an online tic tac toe tournament website, exciting hey? Well no not really but the aim is to play with a load of tech so I want to avoid working out lots of complex business requirements. That said I can't just start programming with no idea what i'm doing so my next post will be the beginnings of a product backlog for the online tic tac toe tournament.